
Story Field Conference Report

Page history last edited by PBworks 17 years, 3 months ago


Your edits are most welcome!  We hope this document is of service for several purposes:


  • for anyone who needs text to describe the conference
  • to bring into language the learnings from the conference through our collective editing of the section of What We Learned


Please help!


Because it is long, the report is divided into sections for comment:



  • Title page and Table of Contents



  • Executive Summary



  • Background– the themes which inspired the conference and the process design as it unfolded



  • Outcomes– what attendees said about the conference and their involvement




  • What We Learned – key insights about both the conference’s subject matter and the process




  • What is Next?  – energies and possibilities emerging from the gathering




  • Accounting– time and resources invested in making this happen




Here is the whole report for reading purposes:


Report - The Story Field Conference.doc

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