People willing to help you use this wiki:
(Feel free to add or remove your name.)
Tech Team Communications
- mailing list
- conference calls:
- keep notes -- Someone keeps notes on all conference calls. Notes are posted to the list-serve and the wiki, for those who didn't make the call.
- coordinates -- 712-580-7700, code: 734357
- archives -- September 23 Tech Team call TechTeamCall20070924
- next call -- 2007-10-14 -- October the 14th, Sunday, 5PM Pacific Time
Collected Questions
- Tools: What tool is best for what job? dotSub (Sheri), BaseCamp (TELAVISION), Constant Contact, mailing lists, wiki, blogs, Meeting Wizard / Doodle
- Should we use as few tools as possible so as not to confuse people?
- Wiki Management. How can we best manage content on the wiki/s?
- What's needed, imho (Amy), is more people who know how to use the wiki, and a general awareness of how this technology (and whatever else we decide to use) works when integrated into our collective lives and conversations.
- Encouraging use. What’s the best way to encourage use of our existing tech communication vehicles?
- Support. How/who can help people with their ongoing tech questions? (through experience, e-mail is sometimes not enough)
- Flickr: Larry's tag troubles
- Darryl and Emily struggling to blog
- Lists.
- How many? Is there need for more than one announcement list? (i.e. Participants and General Interest)
- Regional? What's the status of regional mailing lists? Who has made a regional list? What regional lists remain to be made?
- Harvesting
- What's happening with the video and audio that was done during the gathering?
- How can we best harvest the stories from the event and whatever transpires afterwards... how do we create the conditions for cross-pollination, and the effective use of all our available communication tools - wikis, blogs, audio, video, photography, art work, poetry, narrative, hyperlinked sites, conversational forums, meeting notes, etc.
- Reflections wiki - change password?
- Conference calls. Better ways to organize conference calls?
- Tech team participants. Who should be on tech team list?
- Both technical & non-technical. "...many questions we're wrestling with - for example who has the access to the private wiki - don't require any technical skills or understanding." -- John Abbe
- If if all we have on the tech team are people who are willing to do the actual techie work then the collective knowledge and awareness we need to cultivate won't spread into the larger group. The gap between those who "know" and those who don't will tend to become even larger until whatever technology we use will have no real value in helping us communicate with each other as a whole (~ Amy).
Other potential Tech Team participants
- Sheri Herndon
- John Abbe
- too busy right now
- Stephen Silha
- Gabrielle Kelly
Draft Announcement
The Tech Team wants to serve the whole, and whatever your relationship to tech is, we need more Story Field folks to do this well.
A lot of seemingly tech questions have come up already, but many of them are more about process than technology. These questions involve everyone, and something other than technical skills. Just one example: how often do e-mails go out, about what, and to who? We imagine that each of us has people and projects we want to stay connected to, and at the same time doesn't want to get overwhelmed.
So, we're hosting a phone call to which everyone is invited:
This Sunday, September 23
10 to 11:30am
Call: 712-580-7700, code: 734357
See or help make up an agenda here: <>
It would also be great to have one or more people from each Story Field group or project (future conferences, TELAVISION, others we're not yet aware of). Your presence would bring in what those projects needs are, and what tools they're already using, so that we can support communication and information to flow as smoothly as possible.
And if you do want to get involved in the tech itself, great! Even if you feel you don't know much yet, we're very happy to share what we know. It's easy to learn enough to make a difference - for example, being able to edit the wiki and explain that to someone else is hugely helpful.
Finally, if you have input but aren't going to be on the call, just e-mail or phone someone who will be. The people i know are coming so far include me, Amy, Lion, Kaye, and Leslie.
Hope to "see" you Sunday!
LionKimbro: I'm deleting this husk, if nobody says anything soon.
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