The Launch Group, Day 1

The Launch Group – Jim Channon, Gabrielle Kelly, Shalini Kantayya, Emily Bouchard


Spiritual media platform 3.0

Philanthropy in action

Tipping Point Network – getting foundations and non-profits together to discovered shared visions. -- where 20% of families want more of an active involvment in where the money goes.

The Funding Exchange in NY – funding films on social change

Transformational Philanthropy – risk; story; vision -- investment fund to make a difference; measurable results – example to show results of work to attract funding.

Can now quantify ideas – can track social networks; can track references

Council on Foundations - – annual conference; affinity groups – grant-makers in film; arts, etc. foundations that fund their interest areas. Could network so that the movement could plug into that.


Issues for non-profits – complaint re: time and energy spent on fundraising

Provide better metrics than what the funders are looking for; so that our metrics can become what they want.


Non-profits useful in launching seed money; how to make our projects sustainable?


How do we address the issue that those who are in control of the money are not aware of what’s happening on the streets?

We need conduits – people whose role is to build the bridge; help the front line workers get the word out; tell it in a way that moves those with money to act. “translators”


Kids are so hungry for something to care about; they are so hungry to tell people what they care about! They are so happy to preach – and to tell people that they care about things that they care about “fuck you, I’m in touch!” They are the viral marketers of the world.




There’s so much damn information out there, likely to get lost


A. Solutions – people have what is called in their hearts to do to make a difference in the world; they have their particular solutions; they envision the

B. Projects – to forward the future we want

C. Cultural elements – Memes - Branding – how do you take a simple idea; a catchy-phrase on t-shirts, fashion, tags to get ahold of something so that it becomes viral. Attaching relevance to your message. Treat each idea like a company – and blend that into your message.

Egs. Like a Culture: Image, call to action, color, icon, cult heroes, flags, ceremonies, vision, creed; symbols; signs; gestures

Take your favorite ideas and embed them deeply in your message

D. Financing – other countries have multimillion-dollar funds for their cultural development so that artists don’t have to -- publicly funded; investments/not donations.

E. Carrier Beams

• Films

• 3D World – seed on every day basis; like a continuous radio program

YouTube – leader; lets mavens know what’s coming

• Fashion – illustrated on 3D world; can be constantly on mainstreet

• Games – can be early in the process; relationship and emotional games – taking eHarmony stuff and boiling it down to practice skills.

Second Life, and nine others – can be used for training

• Blogs and Blog Tracking

• “eDonorTube” --Begin to highlight inspired altruism – inspiring others in their giving; tracking how they are making a difference. Matchmaking service – bringing philanthropists and non

F. The Wave Continuance – Viral Explosion; How do the germs continue to infect people? Global Greeting?


Hard to quantify projects in story

If dealing with transformation and evolution – dealing with things that are not quantifiable.

How is it possible to have people of wealth understand leverage of their wealth.